May 27, 2012

Fading like the stars we wish to be

'Josie' Collar & 'Dolly' Collar tips - Both Little Me

I've been meaning to blog these for ages, Oops! Anyway, I've had my eye on loads of collars from this website called 'Little Me' and finally decided to treat myself to one, I think I managed to snag a discount code one weekend which finally swayed me to go for it.

I'm so impressed with my collar, it's exactly what I've been looking for (and means I can add collars to any outfit now, I'm collar mad y'know) and it's handmade which is always a plus in my book. I'm extremely jealous of anyone that can make things and make them look this good.

As you can see I treated myself to some collar tips as well, what with my overwhelming love of collars these seemed the perfect addition to my order and I've worn them non stop since ordering and EVERYONE tells me how much they love them (or if they're male they ask what on earth they are, haven't a clue have they?!) I'm thinking of maybe adding some gem stones to them if I can get my hands on some the right size?

Everyone needs to go check this site out for all their collars needs, trust me!

May 24, 2012

Weekly want #20

Dress -Topshop £48
Topshop have got some great dresses in at the moment and this number definitely caught my eye, is it too much to wear to a wedding? I'm really struggling for a summery formal-ish frock, need ideas guys!

May 21, 2012

The way you stick out your lips

Gosh this past week has been crazy! No time to blog and the same again this week unfortunately seeing as I only have one day off work this week, boooooo!

Anyway, the past week I've managed to catch up with old work friends and spent time with my besties, plenty of gossiping and celebrating and getting my nose pierced at the grand old age of 21, hello quarter life crisis, haha!

Hopefully I'll get back into my blogging groove and twist someone's arm in taking some pictures for me. Speak soon guys.

May 13, 2012

Weekly want #19

Blouse - Missguided £25.99
Another week another blouse.. I really want this to team with my new spotty topshop trousers which will probably make me look like a child but I don't really care! I certainly seem to just be attracted to anything that has a collar. The shorts are pretty cool too though, huh? Very easy to make a pair like that yourself though, some old shorts and some studs, et voilà! 
I'm pretty busy this week so expect a little silence from me on the blog front but, I'll be back soon I promise ;)
Anyway, here's some music to fill the void of my ramblings

May 10, 2012

True romance is what I'm after, darling

Shirt - Urban Outfitters (old)
Necklace - Topshop
Jacket - Primark (old & customised by myself)
Trousers - George @ Asda
Shoes - Topshop
Bag - Topshop

WOAH. How bright does my hair look?! Not that I'm complaining..!
I managed to finally get some pictures done whilst the rain stopped for half a day and wore my new bargainous Asda trousers, felt a little like I was wearing silk pyjamas and slippers but, comfort before style and all that (just kidding, style always comes first!) Seriously though, these trousers are the best I've purchased in a while, I've gone off jeans in a big way, maybe something to do with them being part of my work uniform now? So proper trousers are going to be my new staple, yay!

May 08, 2012

Recent Purchases #1

I haven't really had much money to spare these past few weeks but I'v still managed to treat myself to a few bits!

Dresses - both £7.99 H&M

These H&M dresses are strappy and shirt and flippy which will be perfect for when the sun decides to shine, until then I'll be layering them with jumpers and tights. 

Lipstick in 'Tease' - £8 Topshop

 I love Topshop lipstick and this one's a winner too, expect full review soon

Trousers - £38 Topshop

As for the trousers, after trying this pair on in Topshop and promising I'd  buy them when I get paid, they sold out in my size online and they're nowhere to be found in store, so I settled for the pale blue spotty pair instead. Which are certainly a lot more wearable but still just as cute!

Trousers - £14 George @ Asda

The Asda trousers are a complete bargain, they're a lovely print and fit for just £14! Expect to see me in these allllll the time

May 06, 2012

Easy nail art

I'm still only just getting into nail art myself and when I found these guides on eBay I thought I'd give them a try, I got some zig-zag, some wavy and some straight ones for French tips. These make it do much easier to do two tone nails as you can see above. You can get a set for £1.09 or get 3 sets for the price of 2 here 

May 05, 2012

Weekly want #18

Elephant print shirt - ASOS £35
I've been lusting after this for agesssss it's so cute and this is really over priced for what it is but I still feel like I need it in my wardrobe. Now, I've just done a sneaky Romwe order, never ordered from them before so hopefully I'll be pleased with yet another dress to add to my collection! I'm just replacing all the ones I've ebayed, oops!

It's payday soon and I have a wishlist as long as my arm, but I'd better restrain myself :(

May 03, 2012

Because that's what you and I do, protect each other

L-R Electrify, Luxe and Lush, Stone Cold

As soon as I saw this set on Buyapowa I knew I had to get it (little bit hunger games obsessed to be honest!) and I'm so happy with it! The only thing that disappointed me was the packaging, I haven't posted a picture as it was so bland, I expected something Hunger Games themed but unfortunately no.

Electrify is a gold and red flecked glitter which you could imagine Katniss wearing after being primped by her team, this is probably the least favourite of the three but that's only because I own so many glitters and know how much of a pain they are to take off, so I'll be keeping this for occasions and for nail art only!

Now Luxe and Lush is the star of this collection, the iridescent flecks look great worn alone or layered with another colour, it's such a pretty glitter and not as in your face as most glitters

I was a little apprehensive about Stone Cold, in the bottle it looked like a couple of other polishes that I own but, I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it out as it dried to a lovely matte grey which, as the name suggested, looks like stone. I can't wait to wear this and most of all to see how well it wears.

What do you guys think of these and have you tried china glaze before? I've never tried them before as they're a little out of my price range but if they appear on buyapowa again I might treat myself again.

May 02, 2012

Lately I've been craving more

I've been meaning to get to a charity shop for a while now in search of shirts but I've been having a little clear out at the moment and managed to find a shirt in amongst everything. And here's what I did to it, I thought I'd better try out this DIY on a shirt I was chucking away anyway and it's turned out quite well!

All you need to do is cut the collar off your shirt, trim the edges neatly if needs be and then stud it. These studs are screw back so you just need to cut a little slit to push them through and then tighten the screws with a screwdriver. 

This is a really simple DIY and there as so many ways that you can customise them, next I want to try and make a scallop trim collar or maybe a lace one? What do you guys think?