September 28, 2011

Nails, Nails, Nails

Today I got a little too excited about a post from Models Own on my facebook feed (the only good thing on my facebook feed, mind, but that's a whole other topic...) They're launching a collection called 'Beetlejuice' in early November and they are AMAZING, see for yourself.

L-R Golden Green, Pinky Brown, Purple Blue, Aqua Violet, Emerald Black

I'll admit the names aren't too imaginative compared to their other polishes (such as Juicy Jules, Raspberry Crush, Emerald City) but aren't they striking?! The middle three are just gorgeous, I'll definitely be buying them! Models Own are fast becoming a favourite of mine, their bold colours and variety match and probably outdo my trustworthy favourite, Barry M.

I'm also hoping that they bring out a range of magnetized polishes that we're seeing cropping up, Nails Inc's offering are lovely but I begrudge spending £13 on one nail varnish even if it is a special one! So instead I'm waiting on my nearest larger Boos Branch to stock the 17 magnetized nail varnishes, if you haven't seen them, check them out here. An absolute steal at £5.99, four colours and it's included in the 3 for 2 offer at the moment, I can't wait to try them!

1 comment:

  1. The middle three ARE stunning. I want them! :)
